Securitas Deposit from England was robbed on February 22, 2006, between 01:00 and 02:15 a.m. This represents the biggest idle cash robbery in British history. At least six men kidnapped and threaten the director’s family, seized 14 employees and stole nearly $92.5 million in bills from the Crown Deposit for Liquidities Management from Vale Road, Tonbridge, Kent.
The Securitas director was stopped on the street while driving by men dressed in police officers and his son and wife were seized from their house. They were all taken to an abandoned farm and the director was forced to cooperate with the robbers under gunpoint. Then the victims and their aggressors got in a white van and drove to Securitas headquarters. There the robbers stole the money but it took another hour until the seized persons were able to alert the police. None of the persons threatened was harmed.